Passive Investing Guide
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What should I do if I have $5,000 (or $20,000) to invest?
What to do with $5,000 to invest? Start with the investment order for new investors. Then determine whether to invest it based on when you will need it.
Why not just invest everything in the US market?
The US stock market has annihilated the rest of the world’s markets over the past decade. But how has it compared over longer time frames?
The market has never been this high – should I wait to invest?
The inherent problems with waiting to invest, what it really means if you’re worried about a crash, and how to proceed.
ETFs vs managed funds vs index funds
There are two dimensions when selecting ETFs vs managed funds vs LICs: stock selection style and structure. Here is a breakdown of how it applies to your investment options.
Should I debt recycle or leave my money in the offset?
People often ask, ‘Should I debt recycle or leave my money in the offset?’, but taking money out of your offset to invest is actually two separate steps. Debt recycling is the second step – a mechanical step that does not require a decision – that comes after the first step, which is the real question you should be asking yourself.
Read on to understand what you should be asking instead and how to make that decision.
Whipsaws and hopping out of the market when there’s bad news
In major market declines, couldn’t we temporarily switch to cash after a slight decline and then switch back when it’s lower? Maybe, but it comes with a price.