spousal contributions

Spousal contributions

Spousal contributions are one of three ways to add to your spouse’s super. Read on to find out if you are eligible to make spousal contributions, how much of a tax offset you can get, and whether it is better to make spousal contributions, or concessional contributions to your own super. Read on »

contribution splitting

Contribution splitting

Contribution splitting is one of the most underused super strategies despite offering so many important benefits beyond boosting your spouse’s super, and this is mostly due to the lack of awareness of the many super strategies available to them.

Read on to learn the long list of benefits of this strategy. Read on »

carry forward contributions

Carry forward contributions

Also known as ‘catch-up contributions’, from 2018–19, you can carry forward concessional contributions that were unused in the previous five years. Read on to find out the many advantages carry forward contributions can provide in your retirement funding. Read on »

government super co contribution

Government super co-contribution

If you are a low or middle-income earner, you may be eligible to get $500 added to your super with a $1,000 contribution of your own through the government super co-contribution scheme. You won’t find a better return on your money than a 50% risk-free return. Read on to find out if you (or your spouse or child)’are eligible. Read on »

first home super saver scheme fhss

First Home Super Saver Scheme

The First Home Super Saver scheme allows you to add extra money into super to buy your first property. The tax savings add up to thousands of dollars of free money by way of reduced tax (about $8,000). Read on to learn more about it. Read on »

consolidate your super accounts

Consolidate your super

If you’ve had a few different employers in the past, you may have multiple super accounts, which could be costing you more in fees. In this article, we’ll explain how to consolidate your super and things to beware of to avoid costly mistakes. Read on »

inside outside super

How much to save inside vs outside super

The most fundamental part of financial planning is determining how much you should be saving for retirement. This article goes through a few methods for calculating that and shows you how to determine how much to be saved inside vs outside super. Read on »

how to invest your super

How to invest your super

This article gives an overview of the three key points to consider when choosing how to invest your super and shows you the effect it will have on your future retirement nest egg. Read on »

Pre-mixed vs single-asset-class investments

In your super, you can choose pre-mixed investments, single asset class investments, or lifecycle investments. Each of these has different characteristics, and we will go through each of their benefits and downsides so you can decide what investment style is best for you. Quick Links Pre-mixed investment options Pre-mixed options are ready-made, diversified investment portfolios made up of multiple asset classes, such as shares, property, cash and bonds. The amount of these asset classes in … Read on »

super account types

Superannuation account types

This article goes through the three superannuation account types, how they are each taxed, access and restrictions, and how to contribute and draw from them. Read on »

when can you access super

When can you access super?

To answer the question ‘when can you access super?’, you will need to meet what is called a ‘condition of release’.

There are ten conditions of release, with four of them being for the purposes of retirement and six being for early release.

Read on to learn more. Read on »