spousal contributions

Spousal contributions

Spousal contributions are one of three ways to add to your spouse’s super. Read on to find out if you are eligible to make spousal contributions, how much of a tax offset you can get, and whether it is better to make spousal contributions, or concessional contributions to your own super. Read on »

bring forward rule2

The bring-forward rule

One of the most important strategies as you approach retirement age is to get as much of your assets into super as possible. Read on to learn more about how the bring-forward rule can help. Read on »

income swap strategy

Income swap strategy

If you can access your super while you are still working, the Income Swap Strategy can be a great way to convert some of the tax you pay to a boost to your super while taking home the same post-tax income. Read on »

stop working

Ceasing any employment after 60

To access your super in full and move it to an account-based pension, you need to meet a condition of release, which is typically being retired (or over 65).

However, there is another way to access it in full from 60 without retiring.

Read on to learn more. Read on »

recontribution strategy

Recontribution strategy

The recontribution strategy involves withdrawing super and re-contributing it to wash away tax that beneficiaries of your super upon your death would have had to pay. Read on to find out how it works. Read on »

downsizer contribution

Downsizer contribution

If you are 55 or older and meet the eligibility requirements, you can make a downsizer contribution into your superannuation of up to $300,000 ($600,000 for a couple) from the proceeds of selling your home to help grow your retirement nest egg. Read on to learn more. Read on »

pooled funds

The problem with pooled funds

Pooling is an easy way for a fund to diversify into hundreds or even thousands of securities. But how does it affect the return on your investments and super? Read on »