Passive Investing Guide
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Stock market risk
Get a deeper understanding of stock market risk, with an explanation of systematic risk, the risk premium, and de-risking vs diversification.
Whipsaws and hopping out of the market when there’s bad news
In major market declines, couldn’t we temporarily switch to cash after a slight decline and then switch back when it’s lower? Maybe, but it comes with a price.
What’s the deal with REITs?
REITs or Real Estate Investment Trusts are publicly-listed companies that invest in real estate. They are often targeted by investors seeking yield that seldom appreciate the risks.
Cash vs bonds (or both) in your portfolio
The different characteristics of cash and bonds, including risk and return, diversification, de-risking, and how to use this information when constructing your portfolio.
Should I hold off buying stocks until the volatility has reduced?
With the huge daily price movements in the stock market, is it better to sit out of the market and wait for some calm waters? Here’s what you need to know.
Pay off the mortgage faster or invest?
Whether to pay off the mortgage faster or invest is one of the most common questions that gets asked. Paying down your mortgage offers a guaranteed return. Investing has a higher return, but it’s not guaranteed. Read on to help decide which is better for you.